Slovenian language translation - professional translations from and into Slovenian

Slovenian language translationsSUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency.

Constantly and continuously “nič” (“zero”) successes? You have a great product /service, but you know that without the help of a Polish-Slovenian translator you literally and figuratively won’t translate what you have to offer to potential Slovenian-speaking recipients. How can this be remedied? How do you get around this problem and stand out from the competition?

We have an idea for you. Such a really superone. Brilliant and simple at the same time. How about the Slovenian language SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency?

Fact, Slovenian is a language widely regarded as one of the most difficult on the map of Europe, but difficulties can be overcome, problems solved and with plans in order to move into action. All you need is a suitable, reliable and trusted Slovenian language translator on your side. You will find such a specialist with us!

Slovenian language translations in a superversion:


Experience since 2008.


A modern online service.


Slovenian language translations from and into 42 world languages.


30-minute waiting time for a quotation.


ISO 9001:2015 quality certificate.


Average rating on Google - 5.0!

Why is it worth placing translations from and into Slovenian in our hands?

You hear: “napišite to prosim” (“please write it down”) in Slovenian. The matter is important, it can be serious or one that cannot wait a moment. Someone wants to give you a job, someone wants to become your business partner, someone offers to help.

All cool, super and extra, but… What to do? Where to look? Who to ask for help? You cannot speak the language of the Slovenian people. Nor are you a polyglot with exceptional skills; you won’t be able to explore the secrets of Slovenian in a few moments, and you won’t be able to handle everything on your own.

You’re lucky. When you need a Slovenian-Polish or Polish-Slovenian translation , ask for help from a professional who is highly regarded by clients. An expert is needed here because Slovenes have more than forty dialects! It is said here that ‘every village has its own voice’ (Slovenian: ‘vsaka vas ima svoj glas’). So it’s good to have someone who ‘cracks on’ it!

At SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency, we do translations that are characterised by:

  • reliability – each Polish to Slovenian translation and Slovenian to Polish translation accurately and precisely reproduces all elements and details of the source text. We convey not only the main sense of the text, but also every detail. We capture what is hidden between the words. On top of this, we care about the effect of complete naturalness – our translations do not have the so-called translation corset effect,
  • quality – the linguistic skills combined with the expertise of our translators guarantee high-quality translations that meet all standards. Supertranslations are more than just the absence of errors, they are translations characterised by class, style and naturalness,
  • tailored to your goals, activities and needs – online Polish-Slovak translations are carried out in such a way that the client receives exactly what they care about. Thus, by translating, we help you to deal with Polish and Slovenian institutions, ‘introduce’ products and services to a foreign market or support your online activities.

It should also be emphasised: Supertranslators are exclusively and all professionals, experts in your industry or field. Among them you will find native speakers and post-graduate specialists, researchers and scientists, doctors and lawyers, as well as professional Slovenian language translators working with experts. What do you think?

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We provide:
  • Access to specialists referred to by clients as supertranslators.
  • Quality – at the level of language and content.
  • Short completion times for translations.
  • Prices to suit all budgets.
  • Confidentiality.

Price list for Slovenian language translations

Type of translationNet priceGross priceUnit of account
price of translation from Polish into SlovenianPLN 89PLN 109.471 page = 1600 characters with spaces
price of translation from Slovenian to PolishPLN 89PLN 109.471 page = 1600 characters with spaces
price of a sworn translation from Polish into SlovenianPLN 124.6PLN 153.261 page = 1125 characters with spaces
price of a sworn translation from Slovenian into PolishPLN 124.6PLN 153.261 page = 1125 characters with spaces
price of proofreading the Slovenian translationPLN 62.30PLN 76.631 page = 1600 characters with spaces

You can order super translations by filling out the form on our website, sending an e-mail or calling the Customer Service Office directly.

This is how supertranslations of Slovenian work:


Contact the Customer Service Office.


The client requests a quotation for documents or texts.


"We are looking at" the materials we have received.


We present the terms and conditions of cooperation.


We are looking for a suitable translator.


We provide translation.

1. We guarantee you a super-fast quotation – from the moment you send us your enquiry form, our quote will arrive in your email inbox within 30 minutes at most.

2. Natural persons are asked to pay in advance. This is a standard mechanism for any individual client. You can prepay using the online payment method or by making a traditional bank transfer.

Do you need a standard translation and a certified translation (certified translation) from Slovenian into Polish or from Polish into Slovenian? Are you interested in working with a professional Slovenian language translator who is well versed in your industry or familiar with the subject matter of your assignment?

At our translation agency, we guarantee the highest quality of both Slovenian-Polish and Polish-Slovenian translations.

This is what we can do for you:

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We translate specialised text

Are you looking for translations of scientific, medical, legal or other specialist texts? They are handled by specialists in our translation agency!

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Correction of the translation language

Thanks to our services, the text can be much easier to read. We offer proofreading for style and syntax.

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Translation of standard texts

Translating a cover letter, CV or resume is not a problem for us. Present your professional letter to the employer.

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Certified (sworn) translation

Entrust us with documents that require the care of the best translators - entrust us with certified translations.

Will the translation you need affect your future? Send us your texts.

They recommend us

We translate meaning, not just words

Good translation is more than changing words. It captures both the meaning of the text and its intentions.

Documented quality

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Slovenian language translations FAQ

Yes, we help people thinking about working in Slovenia. Send us your CV, as well as all necessary documents to be translated into Slovenian. We will get back to you, within 30 minutes. You will find the price and deadline for the translation in the offer. 

Of course. We pride ourselves on translating from and into Slovenian by professional translators of impeccable reputation. They are professionals specialised in a wide range of industries and fields and they are appropriately selected for each assignment. What’s more, they are passionate people and committed to their work, hence they are truly trustworthy.

We provide you with a quotation very clearly. For translations from or into Slovenian, we quote a net price, you add 23% VAT. It’s a very simple system that promotes fairness and is easy for you to read. You don’t have to be afraid of any hidden costs. 

The quotation is free and does not oblige you to anything. This is only information about the cost and completion date. Of course, we are happy to encourage you to use our Slovenian language translation service. 

Our specializations


CV translations

We will help you to make a good impression on the recruiter in a foreign company.


Translations for companies

With professional translations of documents, information and advertising material and contracts, you have the opportunity to translate success from your home market to the market in Slovenia.


Website translations

We will take care of your online business - we translate online shops and websites, among other things.


Legal translations

With the help of our experts, you will take care of every detail of the contracts and other documents you need to be translated.


Medical translations

Our translators are professionals who help you understand doctor's recommendations, translate specialised documents and support you in creating translations of scientific publications.


Technical translations

We are a partner of many companies in the field of technology, for whom high quality translations of documents and other specialised content are paramount.

tłumaczenia biznesowe

Business translations

With professional business translations, you can succeed on the Slovenian market. We provide translations of contracts, presentations and all business-related content.

tłumaczenia naukowe

Translations of scientific texts

Reliable translations of mathematical formulas, specialised terminology and any scientific material ensure that the translation is consistent with the original text.

tłumaczenia dokumentów samochodowych

Translations of car documents

We translate documentation for vehicles imported from abroad. This allows you to legalise your vehicle documents and register your vehicle with the Polish authorities conveniently and efficiently.

tłumaczenia dokumentów motocyklowych

Translations of motorcycle documents

The motorcycle document translation service covers the full range of motorcycle-related documentation. With our translations, you will effectively legalise your vehicle documents.

tłumaczenia budowlane

Construction translations

When dealing with international construction projects, professional, reliable and expert construction translations are essential to facilitate smooth communication between all parties involved in the project.

tłumaczenia chemiczne

Chemical translations

High-quality chemical translations are essential when you want to win foreign markets for your goods and services. We work with supertranslators who know more about chemical translation than anyone else.

tłumaczenia instrukcji obsługi

Translations of user manuals

Since 2008, we have been supporting our customers in their efforts to establish themselves on the foreign market by providing professional translations of machine and equipment manuals.

tłumaczenia dokumentów

Document translations

With professional document translations, you will achieve your goals faster. We translate documents from a wide range of fields, supporting our clients in their activities in the private and professional spheres.

You can order super translations by filling out the form on our website, sending an e-mail or calling the Customer Service Office directly.

Get to know our service better:

In the country of beekeepers (in Slovenia, beekeeping is practised by approx. 90,000 of the country’s 2 million inhabitants), you will get along in Slovenian. It looks like sweet smell of success, provided you have the right people to work with. “One bee makes no honey; one grain makes no rice soup.” – do you know this proverb?

Your professional Slovenian language translator or Slovenian-to-Polish translator should necessarily be a specialist, preferably a professional expert who knows both Slovenian and Slovenia.

Slovenian belongs to the group of South Slavic languages, is one of the official languages of the European Union and has official status in Slovenia. It can also be useful in Austria, Italy and Croatia.

The Slovenian language translator, in addition to these above-mentioned basic information about Slovenian, is expected to penetrate the remotest, strangest and in general all corners, spaces and spheres of this language and the related culture and realities of Slovenia.

What does working with a Slovenian language expert offer? In addition to translations that are solid and effective, a professional will put their stamp on your goals, activities and the various matters you have to conduct in Slovenian. The guarantee of top quality and the certainty that someone will definitely support and help you is priceless. This investment is all about profits!

We offer you:

  • online Slovenian language translation,
  • Slovenian language translations – written translation in combinations into 42 languages of the world (e.g. translation from Slovenian into Czech, translation from Slovenian into English or translation from German into Slovenian),
  • translation into Slovenian and translation from Slovenian into Polish,
  • standard translations in a wide range of subjects, industries and document types,
  • Slovenian language translations of specialised texts,
  • Slovenian certified translations (performed by a Slovenian sworn translator),
  • financial translations in Slovenian,
  • legal translations in Slovenian,
  • medical and pharmaceutical translation in Slovenian,
  • technical translation in Slovenian,
  • IT translations in Slovenian.

Didn’t find a topic or area of interest in the list above? Contact our customer service office! We will be happy to answer your questions!

The area of Slovenia is small, but the number of dialects is very large indeed – there are as many as 46! Frightened? Such a reaction is perfectly natural for a layman. The supertranslator sees no difficulty in this. For our translator, Slovenian is a fascinating, beautiful and challenging language. Fortunately, the professional has a set of ‘tools’ to help them make translations that are not only effective, but super!

You are paying for the knowledge and skills of a Slovenian language translator. The cost you incur is measured against the complexity of your assignment.

At the SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency, we want to “take a look at” your texts before we give you a specific amount. We “look at” them thoroughly. Insights are sometimes a journey to Slovenia and sometimes to Poland. Sometimes we ‘travel’ somewhere far away, to exotic countries, because our client wants to translate documents into Chinese or Vietnamese, for example. Only after we have verified the type of translation, subject matter and volume of texts do we quote prices.

You are welcome to request a quotation – it does not commit you to anything, but gives you an idea of the cost of translating Slovenian.

Did you know that Slovenian language is one of the few Slavic languages to have retained the dual number? It is sometimes referred to as a dual number, plural number, dualis. It is used to express duplicity, evenness. It has its own grammatical forms that differ from the plural forms, e.g. ‘two kinges’ or ‘two sunes’ (not a spelling mistake!).

Frightened? Does that sound strange? And how will one word or phrase make you score a slip-up with a capital “S” instead of enjoying a victory?

Let’s turn this into a double success. What do you think?

It’s nothing that Slovenian is difficult and can be messy, that’s what an expert in the language and in your industry is for. They will take care of everything and introduce you to the Slovenian market. Sounds fair, doesn’t it?

In a beautiful country, fifteen times smaller than Poland; in a country through which the river Sava flows, the capital is Lublana and the highest peak is Triglav (2,864 m), do business boldly. With an translator whose work is judged by clients to be perfect, super, extra; you can do anything you want.

Today, standard translations, specialised translations or certified translations in Slovenian no longer have to be associated with sweat, stress and anxiety. You can be successful in any language. With the right specialist, you will love doing business in Slovenian, in Lublana, and beyond.

A Polish to Slovenian translator or a Slovenian to Polish translator is a certainty of quality, and quality is a guarantee of success for every action you take. “Ena” (one), “dva” (two), “tri” (three) – ready for a supertranslation of Slovenian? Remember that although Lublana is Europe’s wettest capital, you don’t have to go broke on a professional translation service.

SUPERTŁUMACZ® means not only high quality translations, but also fair and attractive rates. A quotation for your project / document translation / other is completely free and without obligation. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and finally do text translations that give you results!

46 dialects grouped into 7 dialect groups (Carinthian, Vernacular, Rovarian, Gorean, Doleian, Styrian, Pannonian). Then there are Prekmurian and Rhesian – these are the dialects that are the most difficult to understand.

You think to yourself “seriously?”. Seriously, seriously! As you can see, a small country, but it surprises you with the colourfulness of its language (we’ve mentioned this to you before!).

Surprising and immobilising you in the pursuit of various goals and dreams are two different things. Instead of fretting, embrace matters of translation into Slovenian or from Polish into Slovenian with a professional translator. When you require, submit documents for translation or any other content or material you need to translate from and into Slovenian. Good investments pay off.

Translation from Slovenian and into Slovenian with a professional means:

  • no errors, slip-ups, misrepresentations and over-interpretations,
  • highest quality translation into and from Slovenian,
  • access to the best translators in the industry (including a sworn Slovenian language translator),
  • Slovenian language specialised translations created by specialists,
  • translation delivered within the agreed deadline.

Do you have a text to translate? Take care of it with Supertranslator!