Swedish language translation - professional translations from and into Swedish

Swedish language translationsSUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency. We offer high quality translations for which we provide a quality guarantee!

Swedish language works well even in the most difficult climate. No matter how cold it is, how hard the wind blows or how many hundreds of kilometres you are from home, you can always manage to say: ‘jag vill ha kaffe för jag ska frysa’.

“I want coffee or I’ll freeze.”

Sometimes simple, rough words are the best, and that is what the language of the Swedes is famous for: sailors, fishermen, polar explorers and travellers resistant to the greatest cold.

It is worth having exceptional people to translate such a unique language. They are professionals who perfectly recognise all the linguistic possibilities, opportunities but also pitfalls that the language contains.

Supertranslations are:


A team of experienced experts who have been helping clients since 2008.


Online ordering - A modern service tailored to your needs.


42 languages of Swedish translation.


30 minutes - that's exactly how long we need to quote your documents.


ISO 9001:2015 - we translate in respect of the highest industry standards.


5.0 - that's how clients rate us on Google.

Translation from Swedish by our specialists - a reliable and secure cooperation

Order professional translations to and from Swedish from us! There are not many Swedes, but Sweden’s position itself is very high. It is a country with huge economic potential, a leader in many industries, a developed society and an active international diplomacy. Sweden’s gross domestic product is higher than that of six times more populous France!

Volvo, IKEA, Ericsson – hardly anyone has heard of these Swedish companies. There are many more well-known companies from Sweden. Electrolux, H&M, Skanska, Vattenfall or Spotify are just some of the most visible in their markets or often present in the media.

Swedish companies strive to act ecologically, they are renowned for their respect for natural materials and their matter-of-fact approach to design. Examples include the old angular Volvo, which is resistant to everything, including changing fashion.

It is a unique place and a unique culture. The language there is also extremely interesting.

In the SUPERTŁUMACZ® team, you will find Poles who have been specialising in translations from Swedish and into Swedish for many years, as well as Swedish experts from various fields and industries with whom we work on specialised translations (check sworn Swedish language translator).

The Swedish language translation should be decent – the Swedes will appreciate that.

If it’s Swedish, it’s only decent. Only with a Swedish-Polish translator/ Polish-Swedish translator rated super by clients!

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What will you gain by working with us?
  • Supertranslation.
  • Quality.
  • Efficient implementation of the translation.
  • Attractive and realistic rates.
  • Full confidentiality of data and information.

Price list for Swedish language translations

Type of translationNet priceGross priceUnit of account
price of translation from Polish into SwedishPLN 89PLN 109.471 page = 1600 characters with spaces
price of translation from Swedish into PolishPLN 89PLN 109.471 page = 1600 characters with spaces
price of a sworn translation from Polish into SwedishPLN 124.6PLN 153.261 page = 1125 characters with spaces
price of a sworn translation from Swedish into PolishPLN 124.6PLN 153.261 page = 1125 characters with spaces
price of proofreading the Swedish translationPLN 62.30PLN 76.631 page = 1600 characters with spaces

You can order super translations by filling out the form on our website, sending an e-mail or calling the Customer Service Office directly.

Swedish language supertranslations is a service characterised by simplicity and transparency. Check it out how it works!


Contact our translation agency.


You send us the documents or texts you want to translate.


We analyse the content submitted to us.


We present he terms of cooperation: cost and deadline for translation.


We get down to business - the first thing we do is choose the appropriate translator.


We do Swedish language translation.

1. 30 minutes is the maximum quotation time.

2. Natural persons are asked to make a prepayment – use online transfers or make a bank transfer.

Standard translations, specialised translations or sworn Swedish-Polish and Polish-Swedish translations are the service you would like to order now? Are you only interested in working with professional Swedish language translators?

At our SUPERTŁUMACZ® company you will find only professionals who can help you with both Swedish to Polish translation and Polish to Swedish translation. Regardless of the type of documents or industry, they will always do it to the highest standard.

This is what we can do for you:

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We translate specialised text

Are you looking for translations of scientific, medical, legal or other specialist texts? They are handled by specialists in our translation agency!

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Correction of the translation language

Thanks to our services, the text can be much easier to read. We offer proofreading for style and syntax.

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Translation of standard texts

Translating a cover letter, CV or resume is not a problem for us. Present your professional letter to the employer.

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Certified (sworn) translation

Entrust us with documents that require the care of the best translators - entrust us with certified translations.

Will the translation you need affect your future? Send us your texts.

They recommend us

We translate meaning, not just words

Good translation is more than changing words. It captures both the meaning of the text and its intentions.

Documented quality

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Swedish language translations FAQ

Yes, we have an express translation service. Send us the text. We will give you the fastest possible completion time. Remember that fast execution at the highest level of quality obviously means higher costs.

Swedish language translations for our office are primarily carried out by professional translators and specialists in specific industries and fields. You will also find native speakers among them.

We are professionals. We have the necessary experience, knowledge and skills. Swedish language translations are only carried out by professional translators and specialists in specific industries. We also have a multi-stage translation verification system. All this guarantees that you will receive a high-quality translation that meets your requirements.

We usually translate six pages per day, with a page being 1600 characters including spaces. Please contact us and send us the text to be translated from or into Swedish. We will get back to you with an offer proposal within 30 minutes – giving you the fastest completion date. In case of large projects, we set translation times on an individual basis. 

Our specializations


CV translations

We translate recruitment documents from and into Swedish so that you can work where you want.


Translations for companies

We support companies that want to enter the Swedish market. We translate business documents, contracts and all materials for marketing and advertising purposes.


Website translations

With the help of our translators, you have the chance to increase the visibility of your website and reach Swedish Internet users.


Legal translations

We assist in all matters concerning the law.


Medical translations

We care about the quality of the documents and all content that relates to medicine and human health.


Technical translations

We produce high-quality translations of a technical nature.

tłumaczenia biznesowe

Business translations

We have been helping entrepreneurs with their business operations for years. We provide professional translations of contracts, tenders and any business content that will help you to establish yourself on the Swedish market.

tłumaczenia naukowe

Translations of scientific texts

We work with translators who specialise in translating scientific texts. We provide accurate, precise translations of material from a wide range of scientific disciplines.

tłumaczenia dokumentów samochodowych

Translations of car documents

We carry out translations of vehicle documents that facilitate the legalisation of vehicle documents. We make sure that every detail of the content is consistent with the original.

tłumaczenia dokumentów motocyklowych

Translations of motorcycle documents

Since 2008, we have been providing reliable translations of motorcycle documents so that our customers can quickly and efficiently register their vehicle with the Polish authorities.

tłumaczenia budowlane

Construction translations

Our translators are specialists who expertly deliver international construction translations. We ensure consistent and clear communication from all parties involved in the construction project.

tłumaczenia chemiczne

Chemical translations

Chemical translation requires excellent knowledge of various languages and knowledge of chemistry. We work with super translators who provide accurate and consistent chemical translations.

tłumaczenia instrukcji obsługi

Translations of user manuals

Professional translations of user manuals are vital for companies with local and international range. Thanks to them, you can effectively and safely market your goods in Sweden.

tłumaczenia dokumentów

Document translations

We provide reliable translations of documents in a wide range of fields, such as law, finance or education, to help you achieve your goals in every aspect of your personal and professional life.

You can order super translations by filling out the form on our website, sending an e-mail or calling the Customer Service Office directly.

Get to know our service even better:

In addition to Swedish, the North Germanic language family includes Danish, Norwegian, Faroese and Icelandic (note, not Finnish!).

Almost everyone knows at least one word from Swedish – ‘skansen’. Did you know that it is Swedish? Unfortunately, this is the only simple thing about this language.

The professional translation of Swedish into Polish, a language with which we do not interact on a daily basis and which is quite foreign to us in terms of origin, is a challenge and a risk. It’s not about school language skills, it’s about properly recognising the right style of speaking, writing and communicating.

Swedes from the capital speak slightly differently than those from the north. Swedish has its own dialects and a sometimes turbulent history (e.g. the Estonian Swedes, who along with their own dialect almost 100% fled Estonia when the Red Army occupied it).

We offer:

  • Swedish technical translations (many sectors)
  • Swedish specialised translation of texts (psychology, medicine, advertising, etc.)
  • Swedish translations of contracts and documentation (insurance, loans, court cases, contracts for companies, translation of vehicle documents from Sweden, etc.).
  • translation of documents from various sectors (documents relating to official matters, etc.)
  • Swedish language translations for work (CVs, references, etc.) by a Swedish-Polish language translator
  • standard translations in Swedish-Polish and Polish-Swedish (wide range of subjects)
  • Swedish language certified translations
  • translations from Polish into Swedish and from Swedish into Polish for private and corporate clients and institutions
  • Swedish language translation by standard and sworn translators (various texts)
  • express Swedish language translation services
  • translations from Swedish into 42 languages
  • translations from 42 languages into Swedish.

Professional Swedish language translations will help break the first ice. A professional Swedish language translator will strengthen contacts and help not to commit faux-pas – what is considered the norm in our country will not necessarily work in Sweden. They will help you understand the Swedish point of view so that everything is as it should be in the written translations. The price for an translator’s service is a client-friendly cost – the rate is always appropriate to the specific job.

Prices vary, but to suit your budget. Our translation agency makes sure that you know what you are paying for. We offer Swedish language translations of both standard texts and specialised ones – the type of documents, expertise or language pair affects how much you will pay.

We suggest – send a description of the text to be translated by our Polish-Swedish translator / Swedish-Polish translator to our email address. Our translation agency manager will efficiently send you a quotation with the fastest possible completion time.

To start with an interesting fact – Swedish has a consonant that is not found in any other language. It is ‘sj/sj-ljudet’, in pronunciation most resembling the Polish ‘sz’ or ‘s’.

They also have an unusually high number of vowels – when you count the long and short pronunciations (which change the meaning, so they have to be taken into account), as many as 17 different phonemes are formed, which, in simple terms, are the elements that we pronounce as sounds that make up entire words (an example of a phoneme is the Polish “ż” sound or the English “æ” sound).

We can only add here that in Swedish there is no our ‘c’ sound, ‘z’ is read as ‘s’ and ‘u’ is pronounced in two ways, to make it clear that translating Swedish properly requires attention and experience. One or two language courses are not enough. You have to learn, but not six months on YouTube, but a lifetime. Even for someone who speaks ‘a little’ Swedish, it is difficult to do an interpretation or translation.

It’s not easy / det är inte lätt!

For those who don’t have the time or don’t need to achieve perfection in Swedish, SUPERTŁUMACZ® comes in very handy. Give us your orders, our translators will do this for you!

  • Sjuhundrasjuttiosju sköna sjuksköterskor sköter sju sjösjuka sjömän.
  • Knut stod vid en knut och knöt en knut, så knöt Knut knuten och så var knuten knuten.
  • Far, Får får får? Nej, inte får får får, får får lamm.

Wondering how to pronounce it or what it means? With help comes the Swedish Polish language translator in “Super” version!

Swedish is not an easy language, so you need the help of a translator with Swedish language skills! And preferably one from whose hands come translations rated super! For private and corporate clients, this is downright invaluable!

Attention, here it comes – Spårvagnsaktiebolagsskensmutsskjutarefackföreningspersonalbeklädnadsmagasinsförrådsförvaltarens! It means ‘owned by the manager of the uniform supply department of the track cleaners’ union staff at the tramway company’. Swedish language is in a privileged position in this competition. Its grammar allows the construction of virtually arbitrarily long words.

For us, even the longest words are not a problem, but a challenge. We have been providing our Polish and foreign clients with difficult, very difficult and very challenging translations of Swedish texts for years – and always with excellent results. Above all, quality!