Bulgarian translation - professional translations from and into Bulgarian

Bulgarian language translations SuperTłumacz® translation agency with a quality guarantee. We have many years of experience in translating texts from and into Bulgarian.

It is estimated that Bulgarian has approximately 9 million speakers. Want to take advantage of this range? A supertranslator from and into Bulgarian is a professional you can trust. With his/her help you will reach these people.

We provide written translations – specialised, business, medical and pharmaceutical, technical and many more. We will translate birth certificates, information texts about your company and all hospital documents. As a Bulgarian language translation agency, we have over 35,000 satisfied clients!

Supertranslations are:


A team of experienced professionals - we have been translating Bulgarian since 2008.


Modern service - you can do everything online!


Access to translators who speak 42 world languages.


Short quotation time for Bulgarian translation - we need about 30 minutes to present our offer to you.


The highest quality of the entire translation process - we have, among others, the ISO 9001:2015 certificate


A service appreciated by clients - our translations on Google are rated 5.0.

Why is it worth entrusting us with translations from and into Bulgarian?

Over 1,800 km separates Poland and Bulgaria. However, do not rely on the distance, language barrier or unfamiliarity with the area. That is why you have a supertranslator – a specialist who will help you with translating from Polish into Bulgarian and from Bulgarian into Polish.

With him you will make a safe “trip” to the Balkans. It will help you implement your plans to reach Internet users in Bulgaria. He will “show” you around Sofia. He will support your interests in Burgas. He will verify documents for work in a city called Plovdiv.

With supertranslations in every case and in every situation, you will solve the matter and achieve your goal! Especially when you need to perform a certified translation into Bulgarian. We “speak” the Bulgarian language, it “works”! This is why it is worth entrusting us with Bulgarian translation.

So, are you ready to supertranslate your texts?

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The guarantees you receive:
  • access to a network of supertranslators of the Bulgarian language,
  • superquality – our translations are appreciated for their accuracy and reliability,
  • individual text quotation,
  • confidentiality of all data and information.

Price list for Bulgarian translations

Type of translationNet priceGross priceUnit of account
price of translation from Polish into BulgarianPLN 79 PLN 97.171 page = 1600 characters with spaces
price of translation from Bulgarian into PolishPLN 79PLN 97.171 page = 1600 characters with spaces
price of a sworn translation from Polish into BulgarianPLN 110.6PLN 136.041 page = 1125 characters with spaces
price of a sworn translation from Bulgarian into PolishPLN 110.6PLN 136.041 page = 1125 characters with spaces
price of proofreading the Bulgarian translationPLN 55.30PLN 68.021 page = 1600 characters with spaces

You can order super translations by filling out the form on our website, sending an e-mail or calling the Customer Service Office directly.

This is how the Bulgarian supertranslation service works


The client contacts our translation agency.


Request for a quotation for Bulgarian translation.


Analysis of submitted materials that the client needs to translate from or into Bulgarian.


Proposal of cooperation - after its acceptance, the "proper" translation process begins.


Select a translator who has appropriate professional qualifications.


We translate Bulgarian on the agreed date. Once it is handed over to you, you can use it for its intended purpose.

1. Our translation agency boasts a superfast quotation – most clients receive it in less than 30 minutes.

2. We ask our clients who are natural persons to pay in advance. Payment can be made by regular transfer or online payment.

Is a standard or certified translation of Bulgarian necessary for your work? Are you looking for a company that cares about the quality of every translation from Bulgarian to Polish and translation from Polish to Bulgarian?

The SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency is a team of translators appreciated by clients for their reliability and attention to every detail.

This is what we can do for you:

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We translate specialised text

Are you looking for translations of scientific, medical, legal or other specialist texts? They are handled by specialists in our translation agency!

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Correction of the translation language

Thanks to our services, the text can be much easier to read. We offer proofreading for style and syntax.

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Translation of standard texts

Translating a cover letter, CV or resume is not a problem for us. Present your professional letter to the employer.

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Certified (sworn) translation

Entrust us with documents that require the care of the best translators - entrust us with certified translations.

Will the translation you need affect your future? Send us your texts.

They recommend us

We translate meaning, not just words

Good translation is more than changing words. It captures both the meaning of the text and its intentions.

Documented quality

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Bulgarian translations - FAQ

When you decide to cooperate with us, you receive a guarantee of the highest quality Bulgarian translation. It is possible thanks to high-class professional translators carefully selected for the industry, field or topic of the content to be translated. In addition, we have the international quality certificate QS Zurich AG. We also meet all ISO 9001:2015 requirements.

After sending us the text for a quotation, we present to you an offer containing the exact net price, plus 23% VAT. A precise quotation translates into your peace of mind and certainty – you always know how much you will pay.

If you need Bulgarian translation urgently, we can offer you an express translation service. Although the delivery time is shorter than standard, we guarantee you the highest quality of all the content. This is possible because, for example, instead of one expert, two or several specialists work on the texts.

Translations from or into Bulgarian in our translation office are always performed by professional translators, the best experts in your industry or field, specialists trusted by many clients.

Our specializations


CV translations

We adapt the Curriculum Vitae and other documents to the requirements of the labour market in Bulgaria. With the help of our translators, you will literally translate your professional success into Bulgarian.


Translations for companies

We not only enable entry into foreign markets, but also support companies in making their activities more effective.


Website translations

We help companies, organizations and individuals to exist in the Bulgarian Internet space.


Legal translations

We support you in smoothly completing official formalities, understanding court documents and activities related to companies entering the market in Bulgaria.


Medical translations

We enable communication between patients and doctors and specialists with experts from other countries.


Technical translations

With the help of our translators, you can "speak" with the voice of a specialist to experts from Bulgaria and understand what experts from this country have to tell you.

tłumaczenia biznesowe

Business translations

We have been supporting enterprises in creating their businesses for years. We translate business documents in all types of industries and content complexity. We will take care of every detail of the translation and make it understandable in the target language.

tłumaczenia naukowe

Translations of scientific texts

Translating Bulgarian scientific texts is a difficult and demanding task. We provide assistance in understanding complex scientific articles, publications and specialised works by translating them into various languages.

tłumaczenia dokumentów samochodowych

Translations of car documents

Careful and reliable translation of Bulgarian car documents facilitates the legalization of the car in the country. We cooperate with a team of experienced translators who know better than anyone else about translating vehicle documentation.

tłumaczenia dokumentów motocyklowych

Translations of motorcycle documents

We support you in efficiently completing formalities related to the legalization of a motorcycle imported from Bulgaria. We provide translations of motorcycle documents tailored to legal requirements.

tłumaczenia budowlane

Construction translations

We help in translating construction-related content. We make sure that each project becomes fully understandable, clear and precisely described thanks to our construction translations.

tłumaczenia chemiczne

Chemical translations

We support companies in completing chemical documentation for products to be introduced to the market. Chemical translations require not only knowledge of languages, but also excellent knowledge of chemistry.

tłumaczenia instrukcji obsługi

Translations of user manuals

Since 2008, we have been effectively supporting our clients by translating operating instructions for machines and devices, which makes us a part of their business. We provide precise translations created by the best specialists in the industry.

tłumaczenia dokumentów

Document translations

We constantly support individuals and companies in achieving their goals. We provide professional translations of all documents that will help in their implementation. We cooperate with a team of experienced translators who guarantee error-free translation.

You can order super translations by filling out the form on our website, sending an e-mail or calling the Customer Service Office directly.

It is worth reading this information:

Over 1,800 km separates Poland and Bulgaria. However, do not rely on the distance, language barrier or unfamiliarity with the area. That is why you have a supertranslator – a specialist who will help you with translating from Polish into Bulgarian and from Bulgarian into Polish.

With him you will make a safe “trip” to the Balkans. It will help you implement your plans to reach Internet users in Bulgaria. He will “show” you around Sofia. He will support your interests in Burgas. He will verify documents for work in a city called Plovdiv.

With supertranslations in every case and in every situation, you will solve the matter and achieve your goal! We “speak” the Bulgarian language, it “works”! This is why it is worth entrusting us with Bulgarian translation.

So, are you ready to supertranslate your texts?

Are translations from Bulgarian to Polisheasy? It definitely does not sound similar to Polish…

  • “Съжалявам” /”syżaljawam” – “I apologise.” I am sorry”.
  • “Извинете” /„izwinete” – “I am sorry!” (e.g. by accosting a stranger).
  • “Благодаря” /”blagodarja” or “Mерси” /”merli” – “Thank you!”

Fortunately, you do not have to learn the secrets of Bulgarian. Whentranslating Bulgarian into Polishtexts perfectly, you have a supertranslator.

We translate the contract into Bulgarianso that you can get it. We translate your CV from Polish to Bulgarianso that you can receive your dream job offer in Bulgaria. We translate device manuals so that the user can use the device efficiently and safely. This is how we see it. This is our supermission.

If you want to achieve your goal, develop, enter a new market, achieve success – it is simple. The translation from Polish into Bulgarianmust be perfect and super. Only then will you be properly understood. There is only one perfect way to do this. Cooperation with an appropriate and trusted specialist.

Superpeople from supertranslations are at your disposal. It is not a dictionary that translates, but a human being – with imagination, passion and the right approach to each order.

Our offer includes:

  • Bulgarian translations in the field of medicine and human health,
  • Bulgarian legal translations,
  • translation of engineering materials,
  • technical translations,
  • marketing translations,
  • Bulgarian translations of specialist materials in computer science and IT,
  • translating content onto websites,
  • professional translations of documents from and into Bulgarian.

Our Polish-Bulgarian translator and Bulgarian-Polish translator is a specialist to whom you can entrust any project, order or matter. Important information for you: we supertranslate into 42 languages ​​of the world! The languages ​​we support include English, German, Italian and Hungarian. Language barrier? You do not have to worry about it anymore!

Bulgarians have a saying: “help yourself, let God help you.” Super translations are a service that costs money, but it is an investment.

We cooperate with private clients, companies, organizations and institutions. There are projects dedicated to the Bulgarian market, but also those intended for our home country. It is not so rare that we are asked to translate content on websites to help someone increase their reach and, of course, reach the target audience.

Bulgarian translations are performed by regular, certified and specialised translators. In many cases, it is not enough to be a translator – so we have designed our service so that you have “2 in 1”. This way, when orders require the involvement of a professional, a translator and a professional in one work.

A flight to, for example, Burgas takes 1:55, but a train journey involves a change in Budapest and several hours on the train. Which option do you prefer? It is similar with translations – they can be quick and time-consuming. If the standard translation turnaround time is unsatisfactory for you, you can ask about an express translation service. Of course, speed combined with the same highest quality means costs, because the translator works harder or we assign more professionals to the project. The volume of texts sent to us varies greatly, which also varies the prices.

How much will you pay for Bulgarian supertranslations? Get in touch with us! We respond to e-mails and messages sent via the contact form on the website within 30 minutes! The quotation will give you an idea of ​​the costs.

Translations from and into Bulgarianthat will be fully natural are the sum of several elements: relevance, appropriateness, accuracy, creativity and speed.

Anyone can learnBulgarianand even speak it well, but not everyone is able to prepare professional translations. Why? In the maze of dozens of possible interpretations, you have to find words that perfectly reflect the intentions of the original and fit well into the reality of the culture of the second language.

A supertranslator is someone who thinks in two languages. He feels the meaning and nuances of both Polish and Bulgarian. He is also familiar with borrowings from Greek and Turkish present in Bulgarian. So he knows that:

  • the name for the number “thousand” was replaced by the Greek “hiliada” /”хиляда”,
  • from Turkish come words such as: “джоб” – “pocket”, “шише” – “bottle”, “мушама” – “oilcloth”, “баджанак” – “brother-in-law” and “балдъза” – “wife’s sister”.

You will find specialists such asBulgarian translatorshere. Their translations are always great work.

Translate from Bulgarian to Polish or vice versa– this is not an easy task! So-called false friends, cultural differences, different language, different mentality of people – all this and much more must be translatedby a Bulgarian translatorto create a super translation.

The amount of information, facts, curiosities and data to cope with is huge.

Sofia is not a name, but the capital of Bulgaria. A lion in the context of this country is not a lion with a large mouth and huge teeth, but the country’s currency. The name of the highest peak, in turn, has a lot in common with the name of the famous Polish actor of the young generation, Maciek Musiał, and it is Musała climbing to a height of 2,925 m above sea level.

Interestingly, on the Old Continent it is the third country with the largest number of archaeological monuments. Even more interesting is the fact that this country is considered the homeland of yogurt… It was also estimated that Bulgaria is crossed by as many as 540 rivers.

A different language is like a different vision of the world, life and thinking. Do you needa translation from Bulgarian into Polish? Do you have an important project? Entrust it to serious people – a super translator means perfect translations!

We have extensive experience in Bulgarian translations, so we can offer high-quality Bulgarian translations. Try to speak Bulgarian yourself and host your business partners over rakija, eating tarator (cucumber cold soup based on yogurt with garlic), gjuvetch (goulash served in a clay pot), sarmi (rice with meat in cabbage leaves or peppers), and for dessert, enjoying the taste of baklava or banica.

Wherever it concerns your being or not being, opportunities, possibilities, sales and development – translation into or from Bulgarian must be professional, perfect, simply great! Only then will you be properly understood.

Make a superdecision!

The translation “from” or “into” Bulgarian is done once, so it should be perfect from the beginning. Entrust them to us and enjoy the supertext.

Kukieri or kukeri (кукери or Kukieri), also chaushi, babugeri, stanchinari, dervishes, starti, surati or jamałari, is the name of a group of masqueraders who walk around the Bulgarian countryside during Carnival and before Lent.

The materials that require translation are full of interesting facts, information and cultural references that will mean nothing to a layman. You want to do something really great, you have no choice. Just choose supertranslations to make history in your industry!