Georgian translation - professional translations from and into Georgian

We offer professional translations from Georgian and into Georgian – SuperTłumacz® translation agency with the quality guarantee.

Georgian translations can be really demanding. Sometimes they are like preparations for a mountain expedition, the culmination of which is to ascend and happily descend from the summit.

The supertranslator sees the difficulties and knows that they exist, but they are not an insurmountable barrier or boundary for him/her. An amateur will not take many things into account and accidents can happen. A professional will always lead you safely to your symbolic Kazbek to reach your goal and admire the views from the top, and these are fabulous!

If you, too, want to reach your peak in Georgia, SuperTłumacz® will support you. We provide translations from and into Georgian.

Find out what goes into making our translations known as supertranslations of Georgian!


We have been providing translations since 2008.


A modern service that is 100% online.


Translations into 42 languages.


Quotation up to max. 30 minutes from the submission of materials.


ISO 9001:2015


Rated 5.0 on Google.

Translations from and into Georgian - why put them in our hands?

Do you need to translate a text online from Georgian or into Georgian? We are at your disposal! “Kartuli ena” / ქართული ენა, or Georgian, comes from the Kartvelian family of languages covering the South Caucasus, mainly Georgia.

What is important to you is its reach. The facts are: it is used by a total of around 7.5 million people. 4.2 million Georgian users live in Georgia; and 2.5 million are in Turkey, Russia, the US, Europe, as well as Iran and Azerbaijan. Consider further that as a literary language it is also used by ethnic groups living in Georgia, these are: Swans, Megrels and Lazs.

Do you want to take advantage of Georgian language coverage? This is best done with the support of a specialist, whom clients refer to as a supertranslator. Only then can you be sure that your translation from Georgian to Polish or any other language will go smoothly, effectively and remain at a superlevel.

With the SuperTłumacz® translation agency:

  • Polish-Georgian translation will “work” – “help” you to establish business cooperation, get local people interested in your products or services, support you effectively in times of need,
  • you can be sure that your content is translated by a competent person – a specialist who has no secrets from the Georgian language. Such a professional will choose words in such a way that these will reach not only the mind, but also the heart of your target audience (check the sworn Georgian translator),
  • there are no unpleasant surprises, problems or so-called slip-ups – every word is translated carefully and appropriately to the situation,
  • your actions will be effective and efficient – Georgia is a beautiful country, but in many aspects, it is different from Poland. Acting on your own can be too slow and inept at the same time. With us, it is easier to achieve your goals,
  • we are valued by our customers – individuals and companies alike praise working with us. More often than not, we are appreciated for our superlevel Georgian translations and individual approach to each case.
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We provide:
  • Access to a network of supertranslators.
  • High quality at the level of language and content
  • Fast order processing.
  • Competitive prices.
  • Confidentiality of data is guaranteed.

Price list for translating Georgian

Type of translationNet priceGross priceUnit of account
price of translation from Polish into GeorgianPLN 122PLN 150.06 1 page = 1600 characters with spaces
price of translation from Georgian to PolishPLN 122PLN 150.06 1 page = 1600 characters with spaces
price of a sworn translation from Polish into GeorgianPLN 170.80PLN 210.081 page = 1125 characters with spaces
price of a sworn translation from Georgian into PolishPLN 170.80PLN 210.081 page = 1125 characters with spaces
price of proofreading the Georgian translationPLN 85.40PLN 105.041 page = 1600 characters with spaces

You can order super translations by filling out the form on our website, sending an e-mail or calling the Customer Service Office directly.

This is how supertranslations of Georgian work:


Contact our translation agency.


Submission of materials for translation.


Analysis of the content sent.


Quotation + translation completion deadline


The decision to order a supertranslation - we first choose a translator, then we proceed to work.


A translation - from the moment it is handed over to the client, can immediately fulfil its purpose.

1. We value your time – you will receive a quotation no later than 30 minutes after you send us the form with an inquiry for the quotation of your order.

2. Are you a natural person? In the case of an individual client, our procedure includes prepayment. We allow online payments and bank transfers.

Are you currently interested in written translations from Georgian or certified translations from Georgian for your company? Do you need them for work or school?

Is the quality of Georgian translation crucial to you? At our SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency, we provide only professional Georgian-Polish and Polish-Georgian translations. Each of our Georgian translators is an expert you can rely on.

We guarantee the highest quality whether you choose Georgian to Polish or Polish to Georgian translation services.

This is what we can do for you:

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We translate specialised text

Are you looking for translations of scientific, medical, legal or other specialist texts? They are handled by specialists in our translation agency!

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Correction of the translation language

Thanks to our services, the text can be much easier to read. We offer proofreading for style and syntax.

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Translation of standard texts

Translating a cover letter, CV or resume is not a problem for us. Present your professional letter to the employer.

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Certified (sworn) translation

Entrust us with documents that require the care of the best translators - entrust us with certified translations.

Will the translation you need affect your future? Send us your texts.

They recommend us

We translate meaning, not just words

Good translation is more than changing words. It captures both the meaning of the text and its intentions.

Documented quality

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Georgian translations FAQ

The quotation for translation into and from Georgian is a net price, to which 23% VAT should be added. You have the total cost of the service clearly presented, with no hidden costs. You always know how much you will pay.

The most important thing for us is the satisfaction of our clients. As such, we provide a guarantee of the highest quality for every Georgian translation done with us. This is possible thanks to high-class translators and specialists performing the translation of content. Furthermore, this is evidenced by the quality certifications of QS Zurich AG or ISO 9001:2015.

Yes, you will find Georgian technical translations in our offer. They are done by professional Georgian translators specialised in a particular field, specialists in translation, and translators collaborating with experts. We support industries such as computer science and IT, engineering, defence, electromobility, transport /TSL or data sheets, for example.

We typically process 6 pages (1 page accounting for 1600 characters with spaces) per day. This is the maximum time required for the translator to produce a top-quality translation that meets all your requirements. In the case of projects involving larger content, we set the deadline for translation from Georgian on an individual basis.

Our specializations


CV translations

Translate your CV and get ahead of your competition.


Translations for companies

Make your company's operations more effective.


Website translations

Show yourself online!


Legal translations

With the help of a professional, smoothly handle official, court and business cooperation matters.


Medical translations

Entrust medical documents to our experts to ensure that no error creeps in anywhere.


Technical translations

Working with a professional is a guarantee of accuracy. We have people like that!

tłumaczenia biznesowe

Business translations

Business translations are translations of contracts, brochures or presentations that help you to successfully conduct your business on foreign markets. We are translating all of them. Quickly and professionally.

tłumaczenia naukowe

Translations of scientific texts

We provide professional translation of mathematical formulas, articles and scientific publications, making them comprehensible in the target language.

tłumaczenia dokumentów samochodowych

Translations of car documents

We support the legalisation of vehicles imported into the country, providing reliable and professional translation of vehicle documents into various languages.

tłumaczenia dokumentów motocyklowych

Translations of motorcycle documents

The process of translating motorcycle documentation is worth entrusting to specialists. We ensure that motorcycle documentation is translated correctly, reliably and flawlessly at every stage of the registration process.

tłumaczenia budowlane

Construction translations

We have been helping people understand construction documentation for years, providing professional translations of construction-related documents. We make sure that every detail of the content is understood by all parties involved in the project.

tłumaczenia chemiczne

Chemical translations

Chemical translation is a complex process that requires not only excellent knowledge of Georgian, but also knowledge of chemistry.

tłumaczenia instrukcji obsługi

Translations of user manuals

We translate machine and equipment manuals, providing professional and error-free translations, which is vital for global companies.

tłumaczenia dokumentów

Document translations

Professional translation of legal, medical or educational documents is important in many aspects of private and professional life.

You can order super translations by filling out the form on our website, sending an e-mail or calling the Customer Service Office directly.

Find out more:

Online Georgian translator? Take advantage of the supertranslation offer! We have bad and good news for you.

We will start with the bad one. Georgian is a heavily dialectal language, which may or may not be a barrier. Today, there are as many as 18 dialects in Georgia. These include the Chevsuretsy, Pshavetsky, Tushchek, Adjar and Rakhine.

And now the good news! You do not have to be afraid that your project or matter is unworkable because you cannot cope with Georgian translation. Indeed, amidst the maze of dozens of possible interpretations, one must find words that will perfectly convey the intentions of the original and flawlessly showcase Georgian culture. Sometimes, it is really like a symbolic climb up Mount Kazbek or another peak that cannot be reached with a simple ‘hop-skip’.

Here you have to think and feel like a Georgian. To feel that a terrible storm is about to unleash any moment. To listen to someone and know that what was literally said is only half of what your interlocutor meant a moment ago because the second meaning was conveyed in the subtext. It is also the ability to look at something and see what the untrained eye cannot see. And, of course, the ability to interact with an alphabet that makes no distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters.

For difficult, demanding and complex tasks, you have a supertranslator. A specialist, a Georgian translator, will create a bridge for you to get where you want to go.

We offer:

  • medical translation of Georgian,
  • Georgian translations in the field of law,
  • Georgian IT translations,
  • Georgian translations of advertising and marketing materials,
  • Georgian translations of product descriptions,
  • specialised translation,
  • we will translate your website, blog content and other materials for web users,
  • We translate from Georgian into 42 world languages and into Georgian from 42 world languages – we serve English, German, Italian, Hungarian and many others.

How much do you value your commercial offer? Are high quality texts and documents invaluable to your business? Do you need verification of a Georgian translation you have done yourself?

At SuperTranslator®, we first “reviewt” your texts and only then quote the order. We have no such thing as a universal price list – every order (even those seemingly similar to each other), is unique.

The Georgian language translator performs written translations in various fields – we handle, for example, medicine, law, technology, IT, finance and economics, or create translations of scientific texts. The subject matter is reflected in the difficulty of the task, which is why it is not possible to compare rates for a simple informational material presenting your company with prices for a complex translation in the construction industry.

Specialised content involves industry jargon and terminology known to a narrow group of specialists. A Polish-Georgian or Georgian-Polish translator, by necessity, should be an expert in a specific field to even understand the vocabulary they are working with. Of course, working with a professional translates into price.

We support 42 world languages. We can do a translation from Georgian to Polish, but also prepare a translation in Swedish, German or Hungarian. What will affect the cost of such an assignment is the language pair – a smaller number of specialists will usually result in higher rates.

Do you do business in Georgia? Do you need a translation from Georgian to Polish? Contact our translation agency and find out the specific price of the service.

Standard translation and certified translation of Georgian? Only with a supertranslator!

“Ara” is not the parrot known as ara in our country, but the Georgian “no”. This is not the end of the difficulties, but their continuation!

Georgian is an agglutinative language. Its rich phonetics is typical. Consonant clusters are often found here. It has a total of 28 consonants and 5 vowels. Here we have 7 cases. Adjectives are identical in form to nouns. Verb conjugation, on the other hand, is very complex.

You are probably thinking to yourself right now ‘madlobt’ ‘thank you’, it is not for me.

It is true that Georgian is like travelling to a completely different planet. It is hard to deny the beauty of Kazbek, the beauty and climate of Tbilisi, the charm of Tusheti located on the northern slopes of the Caucasus, or not to compliment the local wines and chinkali. No doubt it is a fascinating adventure.

However, there is a ‘but’… If you conduct serious business, want to handle an important matter, or simply need support with this language, there is no room for experiments or casual approaches.

Take a super decision, Georgian translation is done once, so it should be perfect from the start. Entrust them to us and enjoy the supertexts.

Are you looking for a good Polish to Georgian translation? Supertranslators are at your service! Many people will say about the Georgian script: “It looks beautiful, but I do not understand a thing”. Here, as everywhere, you have to get to know it and explore its secrets. And it is not easy. Why? Three different typefaces are distinguished here:

  • asomtawruli (‘majuscule’), also called mrgwlowani (’rounded’),
  • nuschuri (‘minuscule’) sometimes referred to as chucuri (‘ecclesiastical’),
  • mchedruli (‘chivalrous’).

Fortunately, you do not have to bother about never reaching a level to write fluently in Georgian. For jumping in at the so-called highest level, you have a Georgian translator who knows the language, the history of the country and also knows all about the local culture.

We Poles love Georgia, it is a beautiful country and the people there are lovely. This is a fact. However, relaxation, holidays and private matters are one thing, and business is another. Here, a professional Polish-Georgian translator who can be trusted and works to perfection is like a treasure.

The super rule is – if your translation is important, send it to SuperTłumacz®. Simple, right? We look forward to hearing from you and working together!