CV translations

When you translate a CV, you translate your whole life. This is what is meant by ‘curriculum vitae’ – the course of a life. How to make it convincing both in Poland and abroad?

Firstly – translate not only the words, but also the meaning. Secondly – write ‘for’ a particular country and employer. Thirdly – find a supertranslator. SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency – professional CV translation.

We can help with all three of these points. We know how to write a good CV in each of the 42 languages we translate and, most importantly – we want you to get the job. Do you want to see how it works? Consult with people familiar with professional CV translation and get a job in any country and language.

See what makes up a CV translation:


A team of professional translators.


Online service.


Translations into 42 languages.


Quotation in 30 minutes.


Quality confirmed by ISO 9001:2015 certificate.


Rated 5.0 on Google.

It all starts with the CV - why should you entrust us with your CV translation?

Sometimes you get a job by accident, sometimes thanks to your connections. More often than not, however, it is simply a good CV. Simply put – a good CV is better than a mediocre one, and once you have a good CV, it is worth translating it decently. After all, there is always the CV at the beginning. Even if you meet your future boss in a lift or in a café, he or she will still look at your ‘life course’ afterwards. 

If you make an excellent first impression, the employer will then look at your CV to confirm or refute that impression. This is especially true when you look for a job abroad, when there is a language barrier and there is no one who can recommend you. And then it is your CV that convinces the employer to put his/her trust in you and not someone local.

A good translation of a CV in a foreign language solves all these problems:

  • convinces the employer in any language (no matter whether the country of your dream company is located in Europe, Asia or North America)
  • takes into account the customs of the industry and the country or a specific company (for us quality means not only a perfect translation, but also ensuring that you do not commit any faux-pas)
  • shows you in the best light
  • puts you ahead of your competitors (all thanks to the fact that we take care of every word that appears in your CV)
  • moreover: it will eliminate any ‘slip-ups’ that might occur without the cooperation with a professional translator.

We want your employer to be impressed that someone from abroad has brought such a polished CV. In this way, translation is not a necessity but a benefit. An opportunity you can seize to get your dream job beyond national borders.

A CV translated by an expert brings nothing but benefits, there is no denying it. There is no doubt – it all starts with the curriculum vitae. Instead of squandering your chances, enhance them with the help of a professional who knows his job like no one else and is willing to help you achieve what you want.

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What do you gain from supertranslating your CV?

  • A supertranslation of your curriculum vitae.
  • A professional presentation of you as the ideal candidate for the job.
  • Confidence that you will not commit any faux-pas.
  • Quality guaranteed.

At our translation agency, we will not only translate your CV but also help you make a good first impression.

A service marked by transparency. Check out how Spanish supertranslation works!


Contact the Customer Service Office.


Requesting a quotation for a CV.


Analysis of the curriculum vitae that you have sent.


Presentation of cooperation proposals.


We proceed with the translation of your CV.


You receive a translation from us that you can send to a prospective employer.

1. We realise that you value your time. We quote CVs within a maximum of 30 minutes after receiving an inquiry.

2. Are you ordering as an individual? We kindly ask you to make a prepayment. Depending on your preferences, you can choose to pay online or by bank transfer.

Do you need your CV to be translated? Are you looking for a translator who specialises in translating CVs, covering letters and other recruitment documents? This is one of the most popular services at our SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency.

Our CV translators speak dozens of foreign languages and are familiar with the documents that you need for your job!

We will support you in:

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Translation of publications

We will translate a scientific article, e-book or a guide that you have written.

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Verification of translation

Verification of translation for linguistic correctness.

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Standard translations

We will translate CVs, covering letters and professional portfolios.

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Certified translations

We will confirm the authenticity of language certificates and professional qualifications.

Will the translation you need affect your future? Send us your texts.

They recommend us

We translate meaning, not just words

Good translation is more than changing words. It captures both the meaning of the text and its intentions.

Documented quality

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Would you like to order a CV translation from our specialist?

If so, call us, send an email or a message via the form on the website.

Our specializations


Translate your recruitment documents and make your dreams come true!

In our resume, you will find more than 36,000 success stories. Since 2008, we have been helping our clients not only to translate various documents, but also to achieve their goals. Join these people!


Translate your CV and get your dream job

Do you need your CV translated into English, Chinese, German or Italian? No problem! Use the experience and expertise of our supertranslators to submit a Curriculum Vitae to your potential employer that presents you as the best candidate for the job.


Website translations

Do you have a website with your works? Do you have a blog? We will help you translate your content so that you can share your knowledge with others!


Translation of professional portfolio

Are you an artist, copywriter, interior designer or scientist? With our help, you will prepare a professional portfolio in a foreign language.


Ensure a professional translation of your covering letter

Our translators are not only familiar with the 42 languages, but also with the customs adopted in the countries where they are spoken. With the help of an expert, you have the opportunity to show yourself the way you want to be seen by an employer.


Legal translations

Do you want to translate a language certificate, university diploma or professional qualifications? Our translators will help you with this!

Since our translation agency was founded, we have focused on quality and reliability.

Find out more about CV translation at our translation agency:

A curriculum vitae, these are your first words to an employer. How do you want them to sound, what impression do you want to make? We assume the best possible. From the moment we start working together, we have a common goal – the CV we translate is to get you a job in the country and position you have planned for yourself.

The process is simple: CV > supertranslation > employment.

Our translators have prepared hundreds of CVs in dozens of languages. Whether you are looking for a job in the Middle East or New York, we can certainly help you match the language of your CV to the culture, legal requirements and industry vocabulary of the country in question.

By translating your CV, you are in a way explaining to the employer why they should hire you. The rule is: a good job starts with a good CV. Curriculum Vitae translation from SUPERTŁUMACZ® is something worth your attention.

We offer:

  • professional CV translations from 42 languages into Polish
  • translation of CVs from Polish into 42 languages, including e.g. the translation of CVs from Polish into English, the translation of CVs from German or the translation of CVs into Russian
  • moving with the times, attention is drawn to the quick translation of CVs online
  • translation of reference letters
  • translations of certificates, certificates of completed courses and training, portfolios (including portfolio pages)
  • translation of CV and covering letter
  • we provide our clients with the translations of application documents to be attached to CVs during the recruitment process
  • translation of professional vocabulary and titles, including any current changes in terminology (it is better to take care of every detail than to miss out on your dream job because of a detail)
  • matching the standards of the country and the specific variety of English (it is important that there are no mistakes, but also to make the best possible first impression)
  • matching the sector or field that your work relates to (CVs are translated by specialists in various sectors who ensure quality)
  • a professionally translated CV guarantees the confidentiality of personal data and any issues that require confidentiality
  • as well as certified translations (you may need documents that need to be certified for the position you are applying for)
  • our CV translation offers also include: excellent communication – we take an individual approach to each client, in addition to the quality of the translation we guarantee short lead time.

Are you planning a career outside Poland? Do you dream of working in an English-speaking country? Or do you want to take up a job with a German company in our neighbouring country? Not only you need to get your CV right, but you also need to know how to translate your CV into English or German so that it brings the desired effect, which is an invitation to an interview.

As you pursue your dream of a career abroad, do not forget the role that a covering letter plays. One well translated into English and German sends a signal to the recruiter and your potential employer that you have already done your homework on language, industry and presentation at the start. It is worth collecting such pluses. Your CV meticulously prepared in a foreign language is the key to success.

The translation of CVs and covering letters prepared by our translators will give you a real chance of getting a job where you want – for example in England, the USA or Germany! A quotation for such a service by a translation agency is a cost that you should not really consider as a cost, but an investment. Concentrate now on making a good impression on your future employer. The translation of the word CV does not matter, but the translation of the words in it does. They are the ones that will show you in a good or bad light, and surely you prefer the first version, right?

Having your CV translated into English or German by a specialist is an easy way to be one step ahead of the competition. Concentrate on this now and you will realistically increase your chances in the recruitment process and ultimately achieve what you want.

In case of any questions for our translation agency, please contact us by email or phone. We are at your disposal and will be happy to assist you with your work in a foreign company.

Look at it through the eyes of a prospective employer: when you see a solid CV, you immediately think someone solid sent it. That is how it works – sometimes you can get a job just thanks to your CV, and sometimes you will not get a job because of your CV. Until you get to know someone personally, that piece of paper is literally all you know about the person.

Working with an expert is like being looked after by someone who is some kind of a guardian. In any case, the information contained in your curriculum vitae will determine whether you get a ‘ticket’ to an interview or perhaps even a job offer. Professional translators and their specialised skills are therefore not at a premium here, but they can get you a future position. So look at ‘CV in English, the best translator for you’ or ‘CV in German with Polish translation’ as the quality that will help you achieve what you want.

Our common goal is for you to get a new job: in any country, in any industry, in any position. Just the kind you are looking for and that suits your ambitions. For every CV – whether in English, German, Russian or Chinese – you need the touch of a professional translator. Perhaps your CV is the most important document you will ever translate. It is worth doing it decently and quickly. We will be happy to assist you with the translation of your curriculum vitae.