Danish translation - professional translations from and into Danish

Danish translationsSUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency.

Are you looking for a professional company that can guarantee high quality translations from Polish into Danish? You have come to the right place! We provide a quality guarantee for our services.

Did you know that it rains or snows every other day in Denmark? On average, there are 171 days with rain or snow. It is nothing! Good weather or bad weather does not influence our Danish translations. It will not spoil the mood of the Danes, either – they are regarded as one of the happiest nations in the world.

We translate every comma and we always meet the deadline. Supertranslations are translations that can withstand rain and snow and even strong wind. Do you need just such Danish-Polish translations? It is easy, order them from us!

What is a supertranslation?


A team of qualified professionals - only supertranslators have been translating for us since 2008.


Online service - a modern approach to customer needs. Get everything done from your office or home.


Translations into 42 languages.


Maximum of 30 minutes - that is the average time for order quotation.


ISO 9001:2015 certificate confirming our professionalism.


Super quality - 5.0 is the average rating of our services on Google.

Why should you entrust us with Danish translations?

Stød is a typical Danish feature of articulation that consists in incomplete glottal stop. It may be a little scary and a little mysterious, but a professional Danish translator knows that this is not indicated in the writing. In turn, for a syllable to occur, it must be accented, long and end with a voiced sound.

Not sure what to say?

You have the right to even lose your tongue! From here to Denmark and back, the journey leads through the unknown. It does not have to be that way. North Jutland, the Capital Region or Zealand – wherever you want to go, do not be afraid of the language barrier. Take advantage of Supertranslator’s offer and overcome all boundaries. It is really easy and it works!

We have been providing translations from Polish into Danish or translation from Danish into Polish since 2008. Experience combined with the knowledge of the translators allows us to produce translations that meet the needs of the client.

  • When we translate the manual for an agricultural machine, we have one purpose: to ensure that the user of the machine has no problem using it and does so safely.
  • We provide certified Danish translations or translations of official documents so that you can quickly deal with formal matters.

We translate your CV, certificates and professional qualifications in order to put your best foot forward.

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The benefits you get from working with us:
  • translation provided by a supertranslator,
  • high quality translations,
  • short lead times,
  • individual quotation of orders,
  • confidentiality guarantee.

Price list for Danish translations

Type of translationNet priceGross priceUnit of account
price of translation from Polish into DanishPLN 89PLN 109.471 page = 1600 characters with spaces
price of translation from Danish into PolishPLN 89PLN 109.471 page = 1600 characters with spaces
price of a sworn translation from Polish into DanishPLN 124.6 PLN 153.26 1 page = 1125 characters with spaces
price of a sworn translation from Danish into PolishPLN 124.6 PLN 153.26 1 page = 1125 characters with spaces
price of proofreading the Danish translationPLN 62.30 PLN 76.63 1 page = 1600 characters with spaces

You can order super translations by filling out the form on our website, sending an e-mail or calling the Customer Service Office directly.

Would you like to order a supertranslation? This is how our service works!


Contact our Customer Service Office.


Request for a quotation for documents or texts.


Analysis of the content sent.


Proposal of cooperation with a supertranslator.


The choice of a translator who has adequate competence to carry out your assignment.


Translation of Danish documents or texts.

1. We respect your time – most quotations are received by our clients even faster than the guaranteed 30 minutes after receiving the request for quotation.

2. Natural persons are kindly asked to prepay – we enable online payment and accept bank transfers.

Are standard translations and certified Danish-Polish and Polish-Danish translations necessary for you to operate on a foreign market, at work or school? Are you looking for a specialist to provide first-class Danish translations?

At our SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency, we guarantee you the quality and timeliness of every translation from and into Danish. Our translators will take care of every nuance in both Danish-to-Polish and Polish-to-Danish translations.

This is what we can do for you:

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We translate specialised text

Are you looking for translations of scientific, medical, legal or other specialist texts? They are handled by specialists in our translation agency!

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Correction of the translation language

Thanks to our services, the text can be much easier to read. We offer proofreading for style and syntax.

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Translation of standard texts

Translating a cover letter, CV or resume is not a problem for us. Present your professional letter to the employer.

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Certified (sworn) translation

Entrust us with documents that require the care of the best translators - entrust us with certified translations.

Will the translation you need affect your future? Send us your texts.

They recommend us

We translate meaning, not just words

Good translation is more than changing words. It captures both the meaning of the text and its intentions.

Documented quality

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Danish translation FAQ

Our offer includes an express Danish translation service. Please send us the text to be translated. We will send you a free, non-biding quotation giving you the fastest possible lead time for the translation. 

Our translation agency supports a variety of industries, fields, sectors and topics. We provide standard, specialised and certified translations. The offer includes, for example, translations in the fields of IT, construction, engineering, finance, economics, law, medicine, marketing, technical or website content.

After sending us your text for a quotation, you receive a free quotation for your Danish translation. We detail all the costs. We provide you with the net prices + 23% VAT must be added. We focus on transparency and honesty.

We rely on the best specialists in the industry, hence only professional translators and experts translate for us. Their combination of translation craftsmanship and expertise makes them a guarantee of the highest quality Danish translations.

Our specializations


CV translations

With the help of a translator, you have the opportunity to show your best side and present yourself in the way you want to be seen.


Translations for companies

We translate business offers, official letters, reports, contracts and many other documents from and into Danish. In each case, we help you improve your operations on the foreign market.


Website translations

Danish translations of websites and other web dedicated material help to increase your reach on the Internet.


Legal translations

We translate Danish so that you can efficiently deal with the authorities, communicate with a business partner or hand over a scientific publication to Danish readers.


Medical translations

We handle most documents, content and material written in medical language. Our specialists help patients understand and communicate with doctors or scientists with other scientists.


Technical translations

We take care of every word and every detail, so that you can carry out your operations in engineering, heavy industry or robotics efficiently.

tłumaczenia biznesowe

Business translations

Business translation plays a key role in running companies. We provide professional translations of contracts, tender documents and any other material related to your business.

tłumaczenia naukowe

Translations of scientific texts

We help you understand Danish scientific texts. We translate articles, publications, specialised papers and all other scientific texts, ensuring consistency and reliability of the rendered content in the target language.

tłumaczenia dokumentów samochodowych

Translations of car documents

We provide professional car document translations to help you register your car. We work with a team of translators who will take care of every detail of the translation.

tłumaczenia dokumentów motocyklowych

Translations of motorcycle documents

Translations of motorcycle documents are necessary for the registration of a vehicle imported from Denmark. We provide professional motorcycle document translations to facilitate the registration of vehicle documentation.

tłumaczenia budowlane

Construction translations

We specialise in construction translations for companies and individuals. We have been helping to understand construction content for years, ensuring effective communication between the parties involved.

tłumaczenia chemiczne

Chemical translations

We translate content which requires excellent knowledge of Danish and knowledge of chemistry. We provide professional chemical translations for individuals and companies locally and internationally.

tłumaczenia instrukcji obsługi

Translations of user manuals

Translations of manuals are extremely important for companies with an international reach. We provide professional, reliable and flawless translations of machinery and equipment documentation to support your business on foreign markets.

tłumaczenia dokumentów

Document translations

Reliable translation of documents is very important in many areas of life. We translate documents in the fields of law, medicine, education and other material ensuring a clear and consistent message in the target language.

You can order super translations by filling out the form on our website, sending an e-mail or calling the Customer Service Office directly.

Are you interested in Danish translations? Find out more!

Do you need Danish translation and you do not know where to start? How about starting by looking for a trusted translator whose clients say is great…? Whether in Poland or Denmark, the translation of important written material should be hand over to a professional, preferably a professional Danish translator.

The 3 main groups of Danish language dialects are East Danish (østdansk), Insular Danish (ødansk) and Jutlandic (jysk). Without the support of a professional you will not get far, you will certainly go astray.

However, every cloud has a silver lining and an experienced Danish-Polish translator like Supertranslator embraces such dialect issues and he/she will help you. Our offer includes:

  • Danish translation,
  • translation of certified, standard and specialised texts,
  • Danish legal translations,
  • Danish medical translations,
  • Danish marketing translations,
  • Danish translations of business material,
  • Danish translations of CVs and covering letters,
  • Danish technical translations,
  • Danish car translations,
  • translation of official, judicial and administrative documents.

We will not only provide Danish-Polish and Polish-Danish translations for you, but we will translate you into 42 different languages – you can find a full list of languages on our website.

‘Det er ok’ translated into Polish means ‘it is OK’.

We are not intimidated by the Danish language, we are not surprised by the fact that there are more bicycles in Copenhagen than inhabitants; we do not run away from gusts of wind. We face problems, difficulties and everything related to otherness. All so that you can achieve what you want with our help. This is how we see it!

How much will you pay for our service? We set prices individually. A company that plans to operate in Denmark and needs comprehensive support in translating all documents. The author of the cookbook wants to translate the publication into Danish, but she is looking for someone who is both a translator and a culinary expert. A man comes in with a request to verify the quality and naturalness of the language of a text that he is translating into Danish on his own – in this role, he would preferably see a translator who is a native speaker. People also come to the translation agency with requests for the authentication of a birth certificate or a will.

The type of assignment and the ‘weight’ of the Danish translation will determine how much the service will cost you. Most importantly, you are handing the translation over to someone who knows Danish and has a grasp of Denmark, the Danes and local customs.

The objectives are many, the mission is one. Choose Supertranslator and do what you want! Send your texts for a quotation to find out the exact cost of translation from and into Danish.

Professional translation into Danish? Only with Supertranslator! The letter Åå is called ‘an a with a circle’ in Polish. The Danes, on the other hand, refer to it as ‘bolle-å’ and the Norwegians simply refer to it as ‘o’. In addition to the Danish alphabet, it can also be found in Norwegian, Swedish and Walloon, North Frisian, Istro-Romanian, Lapp and Chamorro.

Did you not know that? You do not have to. Then again, you probably also do not know that the Danish alphabet is referred to as the Danish-Norwegian alphabet. Why is this happening? It is not a mistake. Well, its form has been identical to the one used by Norwegians since 1948.

  • It consists of 24 letters.
  • 5 letters c, q, w, x and z, on the other hand, are only used to record borrowings.
  • The letters æ, ø and å distinguish it from the standard Latin alphabet.

Leave matters concerning all the ‘technical’ issues of the Danish language to a translator, or preferably a Supertranslator.

Danish is a challenge, but to be fluent in the language you also need to be familiar with the history, culture and mentality of the Danes. There is a bit of that, which is why it is important to choose a company that guarantees the quality of translations into Danish and from Danish into Polish.

Danes have a peculiar sense of humour – they like insulting each other as a joke. The world-famous Lego bricks were invented by Ole Kirk Christiansen in 1947. The name derived from the phrase ‘Leg godt’, which translated into Polish means ‘have fun’. Bluetooth technology is named after the first Viking king – Harald Bluetooth. The famous writer Hans Christian Andersen came from Denmark.

Many of these things have passed or they are a part of pop culture now. Some of these you may know about, others you may not. Whatever the subject, industry or field, the Danish translator in the ‘super’ version is like your guide and agent in one person. It is his/her job to guide you through the unknown and lead you to your destination. Successfully and in such a way that you are as happy as a Dane.

The standard dialect of the so-called rigsmål was developed in the 17th century on the basis of the Zeelandic dialect, which is one of the three main dialects of Danish, along with Jutlandic and Funen.
You probably think to yourself right now: ‘why did I need this?’. A small hint: ‘because you want to get into a good university (?)’, ‘because new career opportunities are opening up for you (?)’, ‘because Danes are interested in your products/services (?)’.

Whatever route you take towards Denmark, it is important to have a good specialist, a Polish into Danish translator by your side who understands you and your industry. After all, it is not a dictionary translator but a man with imagination, passion and a serious approach to the assignment.

Dialects are not scary with Supertranslator, because you say what you expect and he/she translates it into Danish or from Danish. For many, it is a chance to get things done or achieve a goal efficiently.

The Danes are said to have found the key to happiness. If you have not heard of the word ‘hygge’, which it is, you are about to learn about it.

Although the concept of ‘hygge’ was born as early as the 19th century, it has only become more widely known in the last few years.

A few facts: the word is of Danish origin, it is a noun (but we should also note the existence of the verb “at hygge” and the adjective “hyggelig”), literally translated from Danish into Polish, it means comfort understood as cosiness, bliss or the comfort of being with oneself and with others. It is a matter of human states and moods more than material things.

The French had their ‘joie de vivre’, the Danes have ‘hygge’ and we Poles… ‘somehow it will be done’.

Luckily, you can be happy, you can grow and achieve your goals without worrying that the translator will not live up to the role he or she is supposed to play. We only create translations of the highest quality, the kind that every client rates as super.

Do you need the support of a Supertranslator? ‘Det skal du ikke tænke på’ – ‘No problem!’