Technical translations

There is nothing funny about technical translations. Space rockets have fallen due to poor translation of, for example, the units of measurement (most recently in 1999*). This is why we take technical translations so seriously. SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency – we look forward to working with you!

In construction, engineering, law or medicine, every word counts – literally and accurately. That is why we translate them so that you can count on us.

SUPERTŁUMACZ® technical translation service is:


A team of professional translators specialising in the technical field.


A modern online service.


Access to specialists who translate into 42 languages.


Quotation within 30 minutes after handing over the documents to us.


ISO 9001:2015 quality certificate.


Rated 5.0 on Google.

Technical translations - why should you entrust them to our specialists?

To translate technical texts well, you need to understand them in both languages. It is very rare to know both the language and the science well. We look for such people for a long time, select them and we keep in touch. They are our (and your) partners in solid work. The real experts. With their help, translations of technical documents, translations of technical specifications or certified technical translations are produced as if a real engineer was behind them.

  • Translations of technical texts are carried out by a translator experienced in technical material. You have an engineer, an expert, a scientist working with your project, not an amateur – that is a big difference.
  • Our translator of technical texts is in every case a translator and a specialist in one person. As a result, we provide translations that are impeccable in every respect.
  • Your material falls into the hands of specialists appropriately selected for the assignment – we translate technical documentation or other texts accurately, with precision and care.
  • We translate to provide you with a desired result – do you want to sell more of your machines? We will translate your informational and advertising texts in such a way that your potential customers really take an interest in your products. Or maybe you care about translating the instruction manuals accurately? We will prepare a translation with attention to detail!
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What benefits will you get from our technical supertranslation?

  • Access to our supertranslators. In our team you will find qualified and experienced specialists.
  • Quality. We are accurate and precise, which is crucial in technical translation projects.
  • Fast order processing. We help improve any operation or project.

SUPERTŁUMACZ® takes care of the tech people’s needs. So far, we have helped more than 36,000 clients achieve their goals.

How can I order technical supertranslations? Check it out!


Contact the Customer Service Office.


Requesting a quotation for material you need to be translated.


Analysis of the documents or texts sent by you.


Presentation of cooperation proposals.


Once we have agreed to cooperate, we select a suitable translator and proceed with the translation.


You receive a technical translation that is immediately ready for use.

1. We care about each client and their time, which is why we price each order superfast.

2 In accordance with our terms and conditions, our client, who is a natural person, is requested to pay in advance (online payment or bank transfer).

Technical translations are essential for the activities undertaken by your company on foreign markets? Two things are crucial for you: the quality and timeliness of the technical translation delivery? Our SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency has been supporting companies and individuals with technical translations since 2008.

Each of our technical translators is an expert who efficiently and carefully translates every term and the smallest figures.

We offer our clients access to a comprehensive service, we will help you with:

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Translation of specialised texts

We will translate both a machine manual and an academic textbook dedicated to students of technical faculties.

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Proofreading of the translation language

We will provide translation proofreading to make your documents sound correct.

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Standard text translations

Translating a cover letter or CV is not a barrier for us. Present your professional letter to the employer.

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Certified (sworn) translations

3. Different types of content written by experts and dedicated to experts, and those prepared by experts for laymen.

Will the translation you need affect your future? Send us your texts.

They recommend us

We translate meaning, not just words

Good translation is more than changing words. It captures both the meaning of the text and its intentions.

Documented quality

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Technology requires an understanding not only of the foreign language but also of the content in the source language.

We understand this, which is why your assignment will always end up in the hands of someone who is both a translator and an expert.

Our specializations



We provide translations with accuracy to every comma. Technology requires accuracy, precision and reliability. You can rely on us - we are already trusted by more than 36,000 clients!


Supertranslators speaking 42 languages

Our translators are specialists. They are familiar with both translation and technology. We can help you with documents prepared in 42 languages.


Technical language translations you can rely on

The tech people use specific terminology that we know, understand and use so that everything sounds professional and correct.


Technical translations in many fields

We can help you with engineering, defence, robotics and transport documents. Our specialists enjoy our clients’ trust.


Standard and certified translations

We understand that you may have different needs and projects. We will support you with both standard and certified translations.


Specialists who protect your good name

Technical specifications, industry jargon, machinery and equipment terminology require understanding. You have our specialists for that!

Since 2008, our clients' needs have been of paramount importance to us. Every order is equally important to us. We focus on quality and perfection.

Get to know our technical supertranslation service better:

The technical text itself is like a machine: every word is a part, every paragraph is a mechanism, and everything together is supposed to work like clockwork. These are the words that are then turned into buildings, boats, software or various industrial installations. Only someone exceptionally accurate can translate such content. Fortunately, you will find such people at SUPERTŁUMACZ®.

It does not matter if you need a technical translation into English or a technical translation into German, Russian, Chinese or Hungarian. We can help you. Effectively. Accurately. And so that the text works like an engine of a great machine.

Technical translations are specialised translations. Technical specifications, terminology, vocabulary related to machinery and equipment or technology require perfection. As a technical translation agency, we can offer and guarantee you the highest quality. We are most often appreciated for this as well!

Professional technical translations include:

  • standard and certified translations
  • specialised IT translations
  • engineering
  • heavy industry
  • defence
  • Big Data
  • technical translations in the field of electromobility
  • robotics
  • transport / TSL
  • chemistry – chemical translation
  • legal translations requiring knowledge and understanding of professional vocabulary
  • translations of technical texts such as safety data sheets
  • O&MM and translations of machinery and equipment manuals
  • construction translations
  •  technical drawing
  • technical translation – documentation, technical documents, catalogues, translation of webpages

We also provide translations of such documents that relate to the technician and engineer’s field of expertise, but they also combine knowledge and terminology from several industries. Take advantage of professional translation services related to a particular industry, field or your subject. The highest level of foreign language, years of experience and technical training of our experts can work in your favour starting from today.

Check out our offer on:

  • Technical Russian translations,
  • Technical English translations,
  • Technical German translations

You only pay for what you receive. We will not waste any of your money, and we will add passion and accuracy. Our technical translations prove themselves worldwide – since 2008 we have provided thousands of them, in dozens of languages and industries.

Buildings, erected according to the documents we had translated, are standing, installations are working, engineers are going abroad and they are being promoted. Our quality really works.

How much will it cost you? Prices are affordable and they suit every pocket. A price list is always appropriate to the type of translation and its degree of difficulty. Others may offer you cheap technical translations, we offer reasonable rates for high quality work. What do you think?

The quotation is always free and non-biding, but please bear in mind that the translations we provide are of the highest quality. And as you know, the quality of translation in the relevant field is just as important here as the quality of your work, service, technology, machinery or equipment. If you are interested in a price list, please contact us. Call us, use the contact form on our website or write an email.

Good translation starts with … translation. The client explains to us what is most important in the text. He/she is the one who knows it best. He/she is the expert and we only help him/her communicate with experts working in other languages. We are proud to be able to help him/her. This is one of the many things that set SUPERTŁUMACZ® apart.

Not that we know the languages; anyone can enrol in a course. Our clients stay with us because they get more than a word-for-word replacement of the document sent. SUPERTŁUMACZ® provides clients with the confidence that their intentions will be properly presented: clearly and in accordance with the technical standards of the country concerned. Such differences make one translation super and another not so great. So, if you translate technical content, you should do it with us!

Technical translations require the highest level of precision. No idioms, poetic translation or word games. Everything must be crystal clear. We sometimes say that such a text is like a technical drawing: wherever someone sees it, knowing the principles of the technology in question, they will know how to operate the device, system or make the project according to the author’s intention (who worked on it in a completely different language).

The language changes. The idea remains. This is how we understand a good technical translation. Every screw and every word must match. So when we perform translations of technical documentation, machine manuals or other specialised technical translations, we change the words while preserving the meaning.

A team of experienced and exceptional people will work on your translation. They are experts who have won recognition from companies across the country. We always prepare technical translations that are characterised by a high linguistic level, consistency, accuracy and quality for each and every client. We make every effort to ensure that each translation, regardless of the type of text, is sewed up.

We guarantee:

  • knowledge of your subject or field
  • stylistic correctness
  • translation of charts and drawings
  • technical correctness
  • proofreading by a native speaker, proofreading by a subject matter expert
  • use of professional jargon
  • access to translators with different specialisations and skills
  • good prices
  • attractive deadlines – in addition to the standard lead time, we are able to offer an express translation service
  • we provide professional contact, the highest level of service, flexible settlement and only the highest level of translation.

Precision, confidentiality and professionalism. This is how our online technical translations work. We provide quality, and it will help you reach your destination efficiently. You can find it out with just one click.

Speed is something different from haste. Speed is a skill and haste is a lack of organisation. Just one day’s work on a text can make all the difference. We know what quality means for a company or an individual customer. The sooner you send the text, the sooner an excellent technical translation will be prepared for you. A lot can be achieved in one day of good work. We are ready to start the translation even today. Fast, but very, very carefully.