Sworn translator of Norwegian

SUPERTŁUMACZ® – your certified Norwegian translation agency!

Do you want to establish a business relationship with a Northern company? Are you dreaming of studying in Norway? Or have you found a good position with an overseas company? We can help you translate the necessary documents!

Our Norwegian translations ‘work’ in Poland and Norway. We are not afraid of the cold, wind and other inconveniences. We are known for our speed and efficiency.

Trust the specialists, who have been trusted by more than 36,000 clients since 2008.

This is what you should know about our certified Norwegian translations:


An experienced team of translators and specialists. Our translation agency has been operating since 2008.


Certified Norwegian translations available online.


Access to sworn Norwegian translators.


Quote within 30 minutes of receiving the documents you need to be translated.


ISO 9001:2015 quality certificate.


A rating of 5.0. on Google and over 36,000 clients we have helped.

Sworn Norwegian translator - what exactly goes into translation?

Did you know that Norway’s name comes from the Old Norse ‘nord vegen’, which we can translate as a ‘way to the north’? This should come as no surprise, however, as the country is known for snow for twelve months in some of its regions, with temperatures as low as -40 °C, and sometimes even colder!

When you are looking for certified Norwegian translations that can withstand the cold, wind and snow, ask us for help.

What exactly can we support you with? Our sworn Polish-Norwegian translator performs, among other things:

  • translations of various types of official documents (e.g. bank documents, medical documents, car documents, court documents, technical documents),
  • translation of civil status records and notarial deeds (e.g. birth certificate of a child, contract for the sale of real estate),
  • translation of documents for pupils, students and employees (e.g. school certificates, university diplomas, professional qualifications).

Do you need a translation of a document that is not on our list? Get in touch with us!

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The benefits of Norwegian certified supertranslations:
  • translation with the ‘touch’ of a sworn Norwegian supertranslator,
  • translations that ‘work’ in Poland and Norway,
  • individual quotation based on the value of your order,
  • a guarantee of quality, reliability and confidentiality.

The following are included in our service:

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Specialised Norwegian translations

Do you have material to translate that requires specialist language and knowledge of your industry? We have such experts.

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Norwegian translations and linguistic proofreading of translations

We take care of every detail so that your recipient receives a clear and comprehensible document or text.

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Standard Norwegian translations

Are you not familiar with the language of the Norwegian people? Do you have a foreign language text to translate? Our translators will help you with this!

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Certified translations in Norwegian

Do you need a qualified translator? Are you looking for someone you can really rely on? You will find the right specialists with us. Since 2008, we have been supporting clients in dealing with various formal matters.

Will the translation you need affect your future? Send us your texts.

They recommend us

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We translate meaning, not just words

Good translation is more than changing words. It captures both the meaning of the text and its intentions.

Check how our certified Norwegian translations work!


The client contacts us. You can write to our Customer Service Office or call us - you choose which option suits you better.


We receive a request for a quotation for documents that the client wishes to have translated from or into Norwegian.


We"review" the documents sent to us in order to provide you with a fair quotation.


We send a proposal for cooperation (quotation + time of order completion) to our client.


Once the client agrees to cooperate, we select the appropriate translator for the specific assignment and begin the actual translation process.


In the agreed-upon timeframe, we send the certified translation in Norwegian to our client.

Documented quality

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Our specialisations:


Certified Norwegian translations that 'help' you get your dream job

Are you looking for a trustworthy professional to whom you can entrust the translation of language certificates, university diplomas or professional qualifications? You can rely on us. We are already trusted by more than 36,000 clients!


Certified Norwegian translations for companies

Do you have banking, insurance and technical documents to translate? Do you want the highest quality translation of your commercial contract? We have the right people, our supertranslators. Since 2008, we have helped hundreds of corporate clients achieve success.


Certified Norwegian translations with the "touch" of a supertranslator

Each of our translators is a supertranslator, which is a guarantee of the highest quality, reliability and timeliness. Certified Norwegian translations performed by our professionals "work" even in the most remote areas of Norway.


Certified Norwegian translations that require the involvement of a specialist

Our specialists are supertranslators. Not only do they know the art of translation, but they are also experts in your industry. As a result, you can rely on their skills even in the most complex assignments.


Certified Norwegian translations that 'work' at the Department of Motor Vehicles

Do you want to translate your car documents? Pass on the order to us. We have the right experience and the right specialists. Our translations really 'work'.


Certified Norwegian translations for a wide range of industries and fields

We understand that certified translations of certain official documents are necessary in the construction industry, and in transport. We know our way around, and we have a team of specialists who will help you navigate through various formalities.

You can order super translations by filling out the form on our website, sending an e-mail or calling the Customer Service Office directly.

For those interested:

Do you want to know how much it will cost you to translate your documents? So let us talk about our price list!

At our translation agency, we first want to see what you need to translate from Polish to Norwegian or from Norwegian to Polish. We want to “review” the documents to assess the level of complexity of the translation and the time needed to prepare it.

The following affects our quotation:

– type of translation (certified, standard, specialised),
– type of document (death certificate, language certificate, medical certificate),
– languages of translation,
– level of translation difficulty,
– the volume of material to be translated,
– individual client’s requirements,
– express order fulfilment mode.

It is the sum of all these elements that shows the value of your order.

Request a quotation for the documents you need to be translated.

The Norwegians say that ‘en får ete som en koker til’, which means ‘as you cook, so shall you eat’. Surely a Polish proverb immediately comes to mind that reads:
“as you make your bed, so you will sleep.”

When you have important documents to translate from Norwegian into Polish or from Polish into Norwegian, you need a professional. We have people like that!

– Our supertranslator is someone who translates the documents you need so that they “work” in Poland and Norway.
– Our certified translations of Norwegian are an effective way to “chart your course to the North”.
– We translate civil status deeds, contracts, professional entitlements and contracts.

Are you looking for a certified Norwegian translator online who is worthy of your trust? The SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency is a team of specialists; over 36,000 clients have already benefited from our assistance.

Feel free to contact us!

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