‘가격이 얼마예요?’ (‘Gagyeog-i eolmayeyo?’) means ‘excuse me, how much does it cost?’.
This is how most clients start a conversation with us. We understand this perfectly – money is just as important in Poland as it is in Korea.
We price each translation of official documents individually, which is why we first want to see a child’s birth certificate, a language certificate or a business contract, and only then do we talk about the specific price.
We want you to know what is taken into account in the quotation process. The following factors influence the price of our service:
– type of translation (certified, specialised, standard),
– languages of translation (source and target language),
– type of documents,
– volume of documents,
– the degree of complexity of the translation,
– express order fulfilment mode.
Do you need a Korean certified translation? Do you want to know how much it will cost you? Get in touch with us!