Translations of user manuals

Translations of user manuals – SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency. We can help you translate any document and any content. We will do this accurately and precisely – so that the use or maintenance of machinery and equipment is safe.

We create translations that meet all standards. Check it out!

Supertranslations of user manuals are:


Professional technical translations. Since 2008, we have been helping to create professional translations of user manuals.


Online service – you can do everything via the Internet.


Online service – you can do everything via the Internet.


Online service – you can do everything via the Internet.


Attention to the highest industry standards confirmed by ISO 9001:2015 certification.


We have a great reputation with clients who have already used our services – we have a rating of 5.0 on Google.

Professional translation of user manuals – why should you entrust it to us?

Our translations of technical manuals “work” in various language versions. Each document is translated so that the target user of particular equipment or device can use it in a safe and appropriate manner.

The user manuals we have prepared for CAT programmes help to “operate” them. Target audience information on the use of agricultural equipment provides information to those who want to use it.

In any case, it is not the manual translation programme but the translator and expert in one person who works on the quality of the translation.

Why should you entrust us with translating your user manuals? Here are some good reasons:

  • Translators with knowledge and experience in translating technical documentation are responsible for the process of translating user manuals.
  • Translations are always performed by a professional who is a relevant specialist. In this way, a translation free of any errors or inaccuracies is produced. The quality of work is reflected in the fact that you, as the manufacturer or authorised representative of the equipment in question, have no problems.
  • We take an individual approach to each translation of user manuals from English or another language – therefore, the translated content ensures the safe use of machinery and equipment.

We have been working with user manuals for many years – we have the experience, specialised skills and knowledge of your industry.

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The supertranslations of user manuals are benefits only:

  • cooperation with supertranslators,
  • the highest level of translation,
  • short order execution times,
  • prices appropriate to the difficulty level of a given order,
  • data confidentiality.

This is how our translations of user manuals work:


The client contacts our Customer Service Office.


The Customer Service Office receives a message with a request for a quotation for a given order.


We “look at” the documents sent to us – we assess their degree of difficulty and the time needed to prepare the translation.


The client receives a quotation from us + we provide the fastest possible completion date.


Once the client agrees to the terms of cooperation, we proceed with the actual translation of the operation manual.


We provide you with a translation of your operation manual – you can use it immediately for its intended purpose.

1. We only need 30 minutes for a quotation – this is the time calculated from the moment we receive a request for a quotation for your operation manual.

2. We ask our individual clients to pay in advance. Use online payment or make a bank transfer.

Do you need translations of user manuals from or into a foreign language in order to implement activities in your company? Are you looking for an operation manual translator you can trust? At the SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency, we are familiar with technical language and we provide services to a wide range of industries, which is why we have been performing high-quality translations of user manuals for many years.

Our translators of user manuals are specialists fluent in technical language and familiar with the specifics of this type of documents.

This is what we can do for you:

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We translate specialised text

Are you looking for translations of scientific, medical, legal or other specialist texts? They are handled by specialists in our translation agency!

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Correction of the translation language

Thanks to our services, the text can be much easier to read. We offer proofreading for style and syntax.

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Translation of standard texts

Translating a cover letter, CV or resume is not a barrier for us. Present your professional letter to the employer.

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Certified (sworn) translation

Entrust us with documents that require the care of the best translators - entrust us with certified translations.

Will the translation you need affect your future? Send us your texts.

They recommend us

We translate meaning, not just words

Good translation is more than changing words. It captures both the meaning of the text and its intentions.

Documented quality

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Our specialisations


Decimal point translations of user manuals

We will prepare translations of your user manuals for various products, machines and equipment. We will always do it superaccurately.


Supersecure translations

We will translate your user manuals so that the target user could operate your machines or equipment safely.


Translations of user manuals from and into 42 world languages

We can help you translate your user manual from and into 42 languages, including English, French and Italian.


Translations of technical documents

We are not only familiar with translating user manuals, but also many other types of technical documents.


We translate both technology and law

We are happy to support you with our experience and expertise in projects that require the translation of legal documents.


Translation with the “touch” of a specialist

Do you need not just a translator, but also a specialist? No problem! In our team you will find experts who will share their knowledge with you.

You can order supertranslations by filling out the form on our website, sending an e-mail or calling the Customer Service Office directly.

Find out more about our operation manual translations:

Translating operation manuals requires technical knowledge and the use of technical language. At the SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency, we entrust such texts only to translators who are experienced and knowledgeable in a specific technical subject. This will ensure that the maintenance manual for all kinds of machinery and equipment does its job.

Texts in this area require:

  • the involvement of a suitable translator – usually a technical translator who is experienced in translating operation manuals,
  • technical knowledge – it is important that a professional who knows the industry or your topic works on the translation. Someone who understands how machines and equipment work,
  • knowledge of the language pair the translators are working with,
  • accuracy and reliability – an operation manual is not a creative text, advertising material or prose. What matters here is the precise reproduction of the original content in the language of the target user,
  • clear message – the translation has to be clear and understandable for those who are to use the operation manual.

Are you interested in the translation of an operation manual and its price? Upload the file with all the information and requirements for the order. The quotation (you will receive it within half an hour) will give you an idea of the cost of the service.

SUPERTŁUMACZ® will help you translate from and into 42 foreign languages. We do translations in Polish-English, Polish-German, Polish-Finnish and many other pairs – see our website for a full list of languages.

What does the price of translating user manuals depend on? It depends on your order. The cost of translation includes a number of elements, such as: language pair (the rarer, the higher the rate), industry, size of the project (this refers to the number of words or total number of characters with spaces). There are clients who care about additional services (for example, translation + localisation, proofreading or express translation) – naturally, these are additional costs.

Here is what we guarantee to you:

  • Fair and real prices – with us you will pay for the real value of the order. The pricing of your translation project is always appropriate to the level of the translation difficulty.
  • The quality of the translation of user manuals – this is guarded by professional translators who are familiar with this kind of content.
  • Plus: short lead times for the translation of documents and technical texts.

Feel free to contact us – SUPERTŁUMACZ® translation agency! With us, user manuals will be translated accurately and in such a way that the user can use the equipment or machine in question efficiently and safely.

A Spanish-to-Polish translator and a Polish-to-Spanish translator in one person? Only at SUPERTŁUMACZ®! North is English: USA, Canada, UK (plus an exception – Australia). The South is Spanish: many South American countries, Mexico, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, and of course Spain itself in Europe – a total of 20 countries where Spanish is an official language.

‘The heart’ will ensure that you are comfortable working with and understanding an expert, while ‘the head’ will ensure perfect correspondence between the original and the new text, matching the realities of contemporary Spain.

Don’t assume that anyone will have the patience to read your poor Spanish translation. Would you willingly wade through a carelessly prepared text in Polish?

Someone who has known a language since birth can see mistakes in a flash. It is not worth highlighting the disadvantages of your translation over the advantages.

Only perfection is professional / solo la perfección es profesional.

We offer Spanish translations! Spanish (español, castellano) is classified as one of the Indo-European Romance languages, together with Portuguese, French, Italian and Romanian. It is the second most popular language on Facebook and Twitter, and the third most popular on the entire Internet (after English and Chinese).

Its furthest source is the Latin used in the Roman Empire (5th century AD). Mixed with Castilian, it gave rise to the Spanish spoken today in Barcelona, Bilbao or Alicante. Throughout its history, Spain has been one of the greatest countries in world history – ‘an empire over which the sun never sets’.

Today, it is simply a great place to live, do business and have an unforgettable hot holiday.
Especially in business, excellent Spanish-to-Polish translations can help a lot.